True Start

Punching down a tree, Craft some planks to make wooden pickaxe-
Then Mine some cobbletones to make stone tools

That's Too Fast to reach the stone age on the first day...
Do you want Some Twists to make them Realistic/Believable?

That's what this addon Does!

Select version for changelog:



Fixed the Flint Knapping


Now it only work on stone/metal blocks as it supposed to


Chopping Planks

Place planks on the chopping block then use an axe to chop the planks into sticks

Thanks to @CreeperWard for the suggestion


Knappable Flint recipe now can be found on the recipe menu

Thanks to @Legend for the report


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Pinned comment
In order to avoid fake reports... so if you find bugs on this addon, report them on the discord server with pictures or video clips to proof that your bug reports on this addon are valid!
I can't chop the wood on the chopping block
Try it again on a new normal world
hey shitlips, if multiple people are complaining about a bug, maybe look into it? even the lighthearted reviews are met with a condescending tone at best. check yourself, little man. and maybe stop making mods until you can behave and be nice. also still encountering the bugs I reported earlier 0/10
also the discord link isn't working rn, but I have a video from my test world
Try this https://
Would you like to guess how many times i have tried to check the bugs?
The amount makes me desperate since i can't help them because i can't find the bugs

Edit: Join the discord link i just sent then ping me so i can show you a video that says the bugs doesn't exist
aight, posted proof in the bug reports forum
why can't I chop the wood?? it was working well other than the fact you gotta make sure the stone doesnt have a block on top of it for the flint but then I got stuck when I stripped the logs and placed it on the chopping block.
In order to avoid fake reports... so if you find bugs on this addon, report them on the discord server with pictures or video clips to proof that your bug reports on this addon are valid!
I found out where the bug is! I will get a bug when I download true start using the mcpedl app, but I won't go wrong with using the second download link on the website!
Everyone are supposed to download this addon using the links on this page
The addon is not working, the objects do not appear on the floor and when I try to make the planks it does not let me make them.
Same as the other similar reports, yours are also fake
bro I think you should add the mechanism: Use an ax to separate wooden planks into sticks, like Addon RLCRAFT
That mechanic is locked behind scripting
Because no one updates to this version, this version is very good and 1.20.72
I don't understand. Version what? Game version or addon version?
bug report: rock and stick doesn't spawn. and chopping logs doesn't work.
Bug reports has been rejected
Reason: Unable to reproduce the reported bugs (ground rocks and sticks DOES generates & Chopping logs WORKS)
This is the real bug, in mcpedl download mcddon "true start" can't spawn stones, and you can't use a cutting board for production boards, and i guess the reason you can't reproduce these bugs is that your game version isn't the latest
I do appreciate your reply, but i haven't been able to reproduce the bugs since 1.20.30 until 1.20.71
It happened to me too.
because i am playing on 1.20.72
so mine i guess glitched out because not only do sticks and rocks not spawn but the chopping block mechanic broke and I was forced to traverse several oceans to find a village. truly a true start 9.5/10
Unfortunately, it's true that "yours" is broken, meanwhile "mine" nope
there's a bug where sticks and rocks don't spawn on the ground
Such bug doesn't exist, just tested
nice, just need some sevtech ages feature and it will be very good
Not interested on sevtech ages, progression craft is my preference
What do you use to make mods like these, i want to learn how to make mods and cant seem to find an application, so what do you recommend/use?
• You can learn how to make addons by watching tutorial videos or checking out the bedrock dev wiki site for guides
• If you're on pc, bridge will help you since it has built-in addon making guides. But when you have enough with it, move to vscode for better coding experience
• If you're on mobile, sadly there's no app that has built-in addon making guides. I would suggest acode, but it's just a normal code editor app that provides better coding experience
• Checking other people's addon codes for reference is also an option, but be wise with crediting. So it's always better to make your own original creation
• I'm a mobile addon creator, but i uses json editor and quickedit app which are just normal json and text editor app that doesn't really provide any advantage regarding addon making other than simplicity. And i have done the basic things so it's easier for me to learn advanced or new things nowadays
Please update to the latest version. Please request it without bugs.
• I don't need to update my addons continously, i made them to still work for the future updates
• If the bug does existed, i will surely fix it. If the bug doesn't exist, i don't need to fix anything