Sumo - Ranked Multiplayer (Local)

Host your own professional sumo matches!

With over 3 minutes of playtime per round, 10 rewards, win counting, death tracking, and spectator mode. It doesn't any better than this. All you have to do to start a match is enter the clear red doors, and a timer will begin. In this time span, you can practice pvping with people in the lobby, select your outfit and particle (if you have enough wins), or just eat a snack.

Even better, the sumo arena rewards both being aggressive, as well as surviving. Being good at both means you will win every. Single. Time. The system that is used to track wins is also anti-farming, meaning if someone kills an AFK player 20 times, that doesn't mean they will win.

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-Fixed download links, to redirect to correct files     


Supported Minecraft versions

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