Published on October 23, 2020 (Updated on May 14, 2024)

SERP Pokédrock (Pokémon Addon) | Rock-throwing & Crop-growing Update (Bugfix)

Welcome to the world of Pokédrock! This addon have a battle system, mounts, a lot of mechanics and real evolutions. If you want to enjoy the full experience of the addon, install all resource packs!

-please read the installation guide and the changelog

It is forbidden to redistribute, edit the files or stole codes of this addon, if you will make a Review please give credits. Apps in the play store and other pages are illegal, please don't support them. mcpedl and are the only official sites.

Select version for changelog:


COMPATIBLE WITH Minecraft PE/BE 1.20.81

-New description for MCPEDL

-The generations behaviors are not needed now

-The generations goes above base

-More optimization

-Important and minor bugs fixed


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

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Minecraft has just been updated to version 1.20.80, this addon is now compatible
Mano eu baixei tudo certinho e coloquei nas pastas do minecraft so que quando entro no jogo so tem 1 item no comportamento e na resolução, ai entro e ta tudo normal so que os pokemons estão em 2d .
hey dude can you please let me know all the available/structure load commands you have in the game??
battle_arena, pokecenter, game_corner, lamp, player_house, pokehouse1/2/3, pokelab
thanks so much
Is there somewhere with a list of /commands? Like how to spawn Pokémon using commands? how to spawn shinys? The commands for structures like poke centres and the games corner. you’ve added so much cool stuff. I just don’t know how to access the commands. is there a page with them all somewhere?
in my discord server we have a channel with commands
what’s your discord man. your discord link on your profile is broken.
And One thing I cant Use Hm And Tms On pokemon Tho its is exact type move it says it cant learn This move To all of em
TM´s are not the same as in the Pokemon games
Keep up Bro, tho we need more pokemon gen 1 is missing some pokemon gen 2 is missing some And Do all pokemon have Shiny forms like Mudkip torchic treecko ?
all pokémon have shinies, and I´m making new pokémon every week
Hey quick question. Why cant I find any poke ore key stone ore. I explored 10 big caves.. Do i need t o do something
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I can see pokeballs, clothing items, potions, revives, berries, tms, and some gen 3 pokemon. I cannot place or use anything. No pokemon are spawning at all in the wild. Can’t place them either. I’ve been using this for years so I know I definitely installed it correctly.
I'm waiting for lucario and greninja:)
you can see the design in my twitter or in my youtube community
zac please send a detailed video showing that how to download and what is needed please