Return Old Villagers Addon

This addon adds the posibility to have the old villagers in minecraft. You can trade with them and also adds the old zombie villagers to minecraft, can cure it and more old functions...

Select version for changelog:



  1. Added classic zombie villager (suggestion made by HAYDENCRAFT2008)
  2. Added fish mob
  3. Added raw fish and cooked fish items
  4. Like classic zombie villager, the zombie villager old can spawn naturally in the night


  • Return_Old_Villagers_addon.mcaddon (46.38 KB)

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Can you add the other old villagers like the fisherman, Fletcher, cartographer,Leatherworker, and other smiths?
All the professions of the old villagers are there, they are just not noticeable because they share the variant with other types of villager

Variant 0: Farmer, fisherman, fletcher and shepherd

Variant 1: Librarian and cartographer

Variant 2: Cleric

Variant 3: Armorer, weaponsmith and toolsmith

Variant 4: Butcher and leatherworker
Oh alright, thanks for the info
I noticed that when I used this pack alongside Fixed Vanilla or Java Aspects that it updates the textures of the old villager and old zombie villager to fit in better with the jappa style.
I was wondering if you could somehow apply this to the classic zombie villager too.

Maybe there could be two subpacks: one with the classic textures. Another with the updated textures
Ok, can you tell me what java aspects are you talking about?
The one made by “AgentMindStorm”

It’s on MCPEDL
Could you add the original zombie villager that wore zombie/steve clothes and sounded like a normal zombie?

it should have a separate spawn egg and it should look like a zombie spawn egg (except it says "Spawn Zombie Villager"

I also don't think they would be affected by the Villager Downgrade or Villager Upgrade items and when cured it would probably just turn into a random villager

and maybe there could be a really tiny percentage of a zombie transforming a villager into this version?
Ok, you can view this feature coming soon, this feature is very easy to add to the game, and you can view more addons in my youtube channel and mcpedl profile
You should make the village downgrade item look like the emerald texture prior to 1.14 to be able to differentiate from its counterpart
Thanks for your suggestion, coming soon i will add it
Dr. Trayauras :D
Oh cool! I’ll download!