Published on March 26, 2023 (Updated on April 18, 2024)

Old Pigman Plus (Withered & Wart Update)

What is old pigman plus?, it is an addon that brings back the old pigman, without replacing the zombified piglin.The old pigman includes new features that are very useful for the players. You can trade with zombie pigmen just like you do with piglins, but with a new material called ruby. You can also heal the zombie pigmen by bringing them back to the overworld. If you are one of the veteran players, you will love this addon!, since in this update the nether core reactor was added.

Select version for changelog:


Updated 2.8:

  1. Zombie Pigman now have a 50% chance of being corrupted when cured. When corrupted they will transform into a Withered Zombie Pigman.
  2. Ancient Zombie Pigman now have a 50% chance of being corrupted when cured. When corrupted they will transform into a Withered Zombie Pigman.
  3. Zombie Piglin now have a 60% chance of being corrupted when cured. When corrupted they will transform into a Withered Zombie Piglin.
  4. Now all entities that are from the Wither family can infect Pigmans, Piglins, Pigs, Piggies, Hoglins, Piglin Beast, Pigman Villagers, and more.
  5. The Nether Wart Forest biome was completely remade, now it looks better!
  6. In The Nether Wart Forest Biome they will spawn the Piglin Beast and the Piggies.
  7. A new Withered Forest biome was added, you can find it in the Soulsand Valleys, it is a dangerous place where withered creatures will spawn!
  8. Two new structures have been added, Piglin Outpost, it has up to 4 variants, which you can find in the following biomes: Two of these structures are in Crimson Forest, and the rest are in Warped Forest and Soulsand Valley. The second Structure is the Wither Castle, it is large, with a lot of loot, but it is protected by Wither Skeletons Brute, and other dangerous wither entities!
  9. Many Withered entities have been added for the following mobs: Piglin, Pigman, Pig, Piggy, Hoglin, Hoglin brute, Piglin Beast, Pigman Villager, Pigman Generic, and more.
  10. Visual variants have been added for the following entities: Zombie Pigman Villager, Zombie Pigman Generic, and others.
  11. A new summonable boss was added, Nether King, a very powerful and dangerous entity that you should only summon if you are armed!
  12. Blocks related to the Soul Forest biome now have unique sounds!
  13. Now with Soul Blaze Powder you can create Potions of Absorption, including Splash Potions.
  14. Added Splash Potions for Crimson Potions, and Warped Potion,In addition, the effects they grant were changed.
  15. Now the Skeleton Pigman will behave like the Zombie Pigman, that is, they will attack you only if you have some gold in your hand, or equip a gold piece.
  16. Fences were added from the woods added by this addon!
  17. New summonable entities were added: Soul Iron Golem, and Soul Snow Golem!
  18. Added to the Hoglin Brute, this includes the Zombie Hoglin Brute and Withered Zombie Hoglin Brute.
  19. Now the fight against the Hovering Inferno and Soul Hovering Inferno is different, you must break each of their shields, he will make the same attacks, and when he activates his defensive form he reduces the damage a lot but you can attack him, before you couldn't.
  20. Piglin Beast sounds changed!
  21. Removed custom fogs because they caused a lot of bugs.


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Note: if you have any problems with the textures, activate the RP in the global resources, or you can write to me on my discord to help you solve the problem, By the way, if you have problems with the download link, you can use the one on the Wiki as well.
exuse me but did you use one of the texures from warden type brothers 2.2?
Bug: Skeleton and Wither Skeleton wolves are invisible!
Can you please change the old Nether King's name to the Nether Champion & credit Enderface for the original add-on & MMB Battles for the Nether Champion name?
Note: Due to the new update 1.20.80 the addon is having several problems with some blocks, and foods, I will fix it as soon as possible
Note: if you have any problems with the textures, activate the RP in the global resources, or you can write to me on my discord to help you solve the problem, By the way, if you have problems with the download link, you can use the one on the Wiki as well.
Please add a Download with MCPEDL option I cant access MediaFire
G o o d
The textures for anything this mod adds are all black and purple and it really ruins the experience for me. (this only happens on pc, it works fine on mobile but i would love for this to be fixed.
Activate the package in global resources, and in your world place it above other addons, that should solve the problem, thanks for commenting!
I saw your profile picture on an ad 😂😂😂😂😂😂
This is an wery big issue beacouse you can't get some materiałs! Could This be fixed in the next update?
Every time load the addon on my xbox everyting works fine, but the biomes, ores and structures don't spawn!
Did you activate all the experimental functions required by this addon? It is rare for that to happen. I have tested the addon on PC and cell phone and it works correctly.
Yeah i did? Im playing On my xbox, that May be the reason for the bug edit: did it get fixed in 2.6 update?
I don't know, but you can test, just activate all the experimental games in your world, and activate the RP in global resources, I really don't know how the addons work on the console.
Please make for minecraft 1.19 Thanks
wow how did i get here?