Published on January 12, 2022

Instantaneous Staff (Addon)

This add-on adds a new Wand to your game, its name is: Instantaneous Staff, teleporting between dimensions and distant places with one click, will you be a wielder of this magic?


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

i cant craft it i followed the crafting recepy but it does not pop up
please update addon 1.19
Even thought for some reason it doesn't work on my device, I played this with my friend (he was the host), and sometimes when he clicked a block that I was closer to, it teleported me. I am not a modder, but I'm pretty sure that if you put the run command like this:
"run_command": {
"command": [
"tp @s @e[type=is:teleport]",
"summon is:static_entity ~ ~ ~",
"playsound is.soul @a ~ ~ ~ 0.3",
"function teleport_function"
"target": "holder"

and change every @p to @s (even in the function) it would work just fine. Not trying to correct you (since you are infinitely better at modding then me;), just a suggestion.
The model and animations and the rest of ur addons look incredible but i can sett my spawn point for some reason it only makes the golden conduits and smoke come, it looked nice tho so I’m giving 5 stars because of how cool it looks and because i like ur other addons and because it looks hard to make the particles come
I have a problem. I can't set a checkpoint even when crouching, it just gives me blindness and darkness and spawns a bunch of particles. The model is great and the particles make for a partially functional smoke bomb!!!
se mira que es un buen addon para teletransportarse y las animaciones geniales, pero solo se puede teletransportar a un lugar, no dos a la vez ?
Por ahora no tengo idea de cómo hacer esto, pero en futuras actualizaciones lo intentaré.👍
what happens when you add a different checkpoint? I didn't vote because I haven't tried this out yet but it look awesome and so does the animation!!
The old one stops working, the new one stays as tp location.
This is awesome! I tried it and it is so amazing!!!!!
Looks Amazing! I read through the comments and saw that you said it may not be multiplayer compatible, but I am willing to try it anyways. Is it okay with you if I use it on my realm? I plan on making lore there soon. Works perfectly in multiplayer!
Even so, I have no idea if tps will corrupt and teleport you to your friend's house or yours. If this happens, let me know. You are free to use all my addons in your multiplayer
Compatible with other addons??
oh well at least its a really good pack
actually it might be how good your device is, just thinking.
it might be your device, just thinking.
This looks pretty useful and extremely cool, could i use it in my addonpack?
Thanks mate. Also i just noticed your the creator of the Glare concept addon, could I add that in as well?
Feel free to add any addon of mine to your addonpack, just let know that I am the creator
En el apartado gráfico bastante bueno, lo voy a probar para ver si tiene algún fallo