Published on November 09, 2023 (Updated on November 10, 2023)

Fiery Combat X FAnimation | BETA

Are you tired of the same old weapons in minecraft? Do you want a cool and exciting pvp experience? If so, you've come to the right addon!  Fiery Combat is an addon that adds a lot of weapons with various skills, this addon is inspired by the "Epic Fight Mod" in minecraft java edition, you can call it "Epic Fight Lite" even though this addon is far from being similar.Fiery Combat can be combined with FAnimation to get attack animations and more (not all attack animations are available yet). 

Select version for changelog:

  • only improve the description and correct typos
  • only improve the description and correct typos

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Installation Guides

brw I can't use a crafting table
aw man i need next update this add-on can't use, i think because Minecraft update but this add-on can't use
I can't download it for some reason. idk if it's my phone or what
For the V1 of Fiery Combat try adding a dash to the katana instead of a poof
molang features got removed so this prob dont work

if you know what experiments to turn on plss tell me
bro where I can download FAnimation u7?
The download Not work and only give me the Faanimation and don't the fiery combat
the download don't work
the animation is broken tho when aiming a bow, blocking with shield and sneaking it doesn't work with that
the download is bugged for me
can it work to epic knight mob?
for absolutely no reason downloading button doesnt work
I downloaded it and it says it has 2 errors and I can't see the items and 3D models.
I downloaded it and it tells me that it has 2 errors :'v, I already have FAnimate but I need it to have the other animations ;-;, when can it be updated again?