Published on August 21, 2022

DxH's Minimap Addon (Beta) [Compatible with any Addon]

🌎 MiniMap 🌎


Before I start I would like to clarify one thing.First of all, this ADDON is in BETA state so if you find errors we would appreciate it if you could comment on them, also (FOR THE MOMENT) the scope of the minimap is not much since this addon despite being light, requires a good team to run it to perfection, that is why it is very simple at the moment. With that being said now let's get started


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Installation Guides

will you update to the newest version with a better minimap
Discord's link doesn't work
El link de Discord no funciona
no funciona no cuando pongo el mod en mi mundo no me deja entrar
Una duda, cuando saques la Alpha, planeas sacar el mapa mas detallado.
La textura esta mucho mejor de lo que parece, No detecta la pizarra abisal, la toba volcánica ni minerales de esta altura, agrega la netherrack
Recomendación personal: Podrías elevar la altura de detección de bloques en el mini-mapa, para lograr ver la parte mas alta hasta lo que están pisando nuestros pies, creo que estaría mejor que 4 bloques abajo del jugador, No es necesario que agregues cada color de cada bloque si pesa tanto, Ej. La Deepslate puedes dejarla del mismo color que la toba; o la terracota de cualquier color tenga solo 1 para todas ellas, perdón si el comentario parece largo, igual confió en que este proyecto estará GOD, suerte chico :3
I'm playing survival in a mesa biome,
turns out terracotta isn't getting detected.
update 1.20 pls
the thing about this mcaddon it's that it doesn't have BP & RP mcpacks when is unziped it's useless in a realm Aternos
Tiene RP, lo puedes descargar sin problemas :p
This is a good addon until you try to load it up and it crashes minecraft pe fix for 1.19 and up !
■■■□□ 3 stars for now !
Can you make mobs and player detect in map
Could you provide a different method to download? I like linkteverse but it's asking me to download malicious software.
I will take one for the team add me She1lz#2599
Can you add Chank lines?