Coordinates HUD MCBE

Coordinates HUD MCPE is a Resource Pack that shows coordinates, direction and time on top of the hotbar.This pack is inspired by coordinate hud vanilla tweaks. It's also not finished (still can't be used when flying and riding)


  • Turn on molang experimental to enable ENTITY COUNTER
  • Please use the MCPEDL link, don't link to support the creator

Select version for changelog:


Bug Fix:

  • Fix ui not showing in minecraft beta/preview 1.20.40


Installation Guides

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For the latest Minecraft version 1.20.51++, please download "Download for Minecraft Beta/Preview 1.20.40++

The resource pack has been fixed for version 1.20.10,
as well as the other resource packs.

How to download in [Bstlar.], to access the file, follow these steps:
1. Click on the "Click on ad" button. This will open a new tab.
2. Wait for 10-15 seconds.
3. Return to the tab you were on initially.
4. Click on "Unlock Content".
Once you have completed these steps, the Mediafire page will appear. Click the download button to obtain the file.
ui/hud_screen.json: Can't find the control: exp_progress_bar_and_hotbar/hotbar
ui/hud_screen.json: Can't find the control: exp_progress_bar_and_hotbar/resizing_xp_bar_with_hotbar/empty_progress_bar/full_progress_bar/progress_bar_nub/hotbar
very good texture pack, but you can't see the layer, the layer has bugs
làm sao để mở client menu v?
How can I change it in experimental in MCPE server? Do I change it through files?
Don’t attempt to download on Xbox. hopefully this will be compatible in the future
ui/hud_screen.json: No se encuentra el control: exp_progress_bar_and_hotbar/hotbar
The resource pack is great, but when I use a custom skin (not taken from the internet, etc.) with Minecraft clothing, clothes, pants, the skin breaks down and gives me the default Steve skin.
Um it asks me to get a .txt for some obby?
why does it not work on classic ui, it only works on pocket ui, same as the others, day counter, biome checker, how do i fix that
Why does the addon error that it doesn't work on my Minecraft even though it has support?
I understand this may not be possible, but is there anyway to allow capes to show while using the pack? From what i've heard changing player animations can cause them to disappear.
Any chance something like the direction is able to be accomplished without player.json? It stops skins from working which is a bummer. Love the addon. Thanks
it doesn't work on Android
Are you sure you have followed the method above?,
try checking again I have also tested it on some andoids and it runs normally
thank you. it works now
Hi, this is a really good pack. Unfortunately i did find an issue- in your inventory the information card things (item name when you hover over an item) changed to have a grey transparent background, which is a little hard to read.
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Hi, this bug has been fixed. You can now download it