Better Weaponry

What do you do When You're Dying?

Letting you Die Easily / Trying to Live Even if It's Hard?

Wait, How Hard is it to Keep Yourself Alive?

If It's Hard, This Addon will Help You!

Select version for changelog:



Added the CCoE

An extension that allows Cube o' Enchanting to be obtained by crafting

Thanks to @Hekza for the suggestion


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

I found another little bug thing! When armor is enchanted with Vitality, Agility, and High Jump they become incapable of receiving armor trim patterns. If there is a fix to that it would be greatly appreciated! :D
zero-six-five-two May 09, 2024 at 5:58 am
On what are u playing the mod? bedrock, java or education?
zero-six-five-two May 08, 2024 at 10:58 am
can u make the addon to 1.20.13 or lower? because me minecraft is on that version and its not possible to down load the mod and i want it. because its so cool
Thank for your response
So I found a bit of a bug with this thing to where the sweeping edge will delete items that are dropped on the ground, and the entire Claymore class of weapons (and the netherite longsword for some reason) will delete the entirety of a players inventory when they are killed by those weapons. If there is a way to fix that, it would be greatly appreciated, but otherwise this add-on is amazing!
• I thought i have fixed the bug where the sweep attack deletes dropped items, i will fix it again. Thanks for the report
• Unfortunately, the fix to fix the bug where custom weapons deletes the killed player inventory is unknown
Oh alright, thanks for fixing the one bit you could though! I'll just keep the weapons that do that on a constant /clear for now ^^"
También si no es molestia meter un poco más de armas ya que las que están está bien pero si pudieras agregar más se te agradece 😁😁
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any place left for new weapons regarding the stat uniqueness
Hola bro llevo tiempo jugando el addon y te quería preguntar si podría añadir la receta de tener que realizar un palo más grande para las armas grandes por ejemplo la Claymore
No, vanilla stick doesn't have a definite size regardless of the item icon appearance
can you add halberd as a weapon? i can make the model picture for you if you want
There are no place left for new weapon that doesn't have uniqueq stats when compared to other weapons in this addon
Macaroni-n-Cheese April 05, 2024 at 7:42 pm
it wont download anymore??? (edit: it still works it just glitched for me )
Could you make an extension pack that makes Cubes O’ Enchanting easier to get? With the mods I’m using, raids are basically impossible, vanilla structures are few and far between, and The fishing odds are really low. Perhaps availability through villager trades or a crafting recipe?
For a crafting recipe, I’d probably do some arrangement of 4 paper, 4 iron, and an emerald, But as long as it’s not too hard to get I wouldn’t mind.
Is that you Hekza?! Lmao
Yeah, CCoE is your suggestion
why does the armor Enchantments doesn't work?
help why when I throw the Dynamite it turns into a splash bottle thingy
Please make a small hotfix, for some reason there is some incompatibility with the trinket addon where the mere existence of the mod in the world nullifies the effects of some trinkets such as speed, the regeneration band and the feral claw
Tested, i did not find the issue you mentioned
Can you get Cubes O' Enchanting from your Azure Culture and/or Advanced fishing mods? Just asking for my younger brother.
If you activate the integration subpacks, yes you can
Or add enchantments together 🙏🏽
There are only few enchantments added by this addon that can be combined, NOT all of them
PLEASE IS THERE ANY WAY I CAN add other enchantments cause I can’t even add unbreaking or sharpness 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
PLEASE, what's the "Broken" weapon & what's the enchantment applied on it?
Ran into some sort of bug/glitch that when someone is killed by one of the add-on weapons it completely clears their inventory. Is there a way to fix this?
I didn't find any clue to reproduce your issue, so it might be the game's bug that we unable to fix